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what i've done to make my time online better

ok so this is kind of a new thing for me to do and i will also probably make more posts about similarish things later on... i have a lot of ideas that are a bit beyond the scope of what i intended this one post to be. this is basically going to be sort of a guide for people who may deal with anxiety or moral ocd or are just not doing well in general with a significant part of the problem being social media. a lot of this is geared toward tumblr due to that being one of the very few social media sites im on and due to tumblr being, y'know, tumblr, but i think this advice still holds up in general and i know other places such as twitter have similar features to tumblr. this is all what i've personally done and this may not 100% work for you and you also do not have to follow this guide word for word. think of it as suggestions or like. your older sibling giving you advice after buying you a slurpee from the gas station...this is ultimately meant to help people, not to attack or put anyone down.

a brief rundown of what social media is like right now

social media, especially tumblr, is a place where nuance is basically thrown out the window, the reading comprehension is awful, there's wall to wall discourse, everyone's either making obvious ragebait or falling for it, and it seems like people will miss the point of what people are saying on purpose. BUT, it's a useful place to find, share, and archive things within your niche, one of the main sources of connecting with people within said niche, full of great resources and projects and information, and in tumblr's case, it's a little more chill than it used to be (largely due to everyone migrating to twitter after the porn ban and the teenagers that were left on there grew up and matured into adults with a bit more sense in them).

i like tumblr! i like being online and finding and sharing things that i'm interested in! that being said, i'm not immune to getting mad/frustrated/burnt out/ thrown into a spiral of anxiety and shame because of the posts i have seen. that's why i decided to create some guidelines for myself to make the experience a lot more better. last night, i decided to share these guidelines and advice to hopefully try and help some of you have a better time online.

the guide

this is not a 100% foolproof guide and you will end up seeing things that upset you from time to time, that's just how things are. also, it's okay if you try to implement these ideas and stray from them sometimes (i have definitely done this before and regretted it every time... i'm working on it).

section 1: built-in tools to help you avoid bad shit

  1. the block and unfollow buttons are a powerful tool that gets widely underused. i know that some people get iffy when it comes to blocking people out of fear that they will get called out or ostracized or percieved as "losing the argument". i'm here to tell you that blocking/unfollowing is 100% morally neutral and you can block literally everyone for any reason. bigot? blocked. annoying? blocked. mainly post about a show you don't hate but are just kinda tired of seeing all the time? blocked! when you block someone, there is a good chance that they will never notice or care. and if they do, well, they can't really do much about it since they're blocked. if they go on alt accounts or send their friends on you, block them too. you do not owe anyone a reason why you blocked or unfollowed them.

  2. filtering is basically the block button, just with tags and words/phrases that are within the posts themselves. on tumblr, you can find this by going to settings - general - filtering. as far as i'm aware, there is no limit to the amount of tags/words you can have in your list (unlike twitter's muted words feature). again, you can use these for literally anything you want, even if it's not personally harmful or offensive to you (ex: i don't have any problems with fnaf, but when the movie came out, i was tired of fnaf posts clogging my dashboard, so i filtered basically any references to fnaf i've seen). nobody will ever see this list and you are not a bad person for using these for any purpose at all.

  3. tumblr has a feature where you can have different tabs on your dashboard. personally, i would probably avoid turning on the popular reblogs and trending tabs (and maybe avoid the for you tab until your dashboard feels a bit more cleaned up). i'm saying this because i've seen just random discourse posts and obvious terf posts on there. even with the filters, there's still some that slip through the cracks.

  4. if you're getting a lot of notifications and it's making you anxious, you have a few options. you can filter what notifications you can get, turn off all notifications for the app, set your phone on do not disturb.

  5. turn off anonymous asks and set your accounts up to where only people you follow can message you. if you're worried about seeing spam, harrassment, etc or you are getting that stuff, this is the best option for peace of mind. if you are on other social sites, don't bother with those third-party anonymous message sites like curiouscat or whatever is being used these days (the guestbook i have may make me look hypocritical, but personal sites are not as popular as social media, so i feel ok keeping it.)

other actions you can take/behaviors to avoid

this is a part is not going to fully apply to everyone and is more focused on your own behaviors, so may take longer to incorporate in your life and you will mess up sometimes! nobody's perfect and it takes awhile for habits to become permanent. this may also piss some people off which is okay... if you're mad about the following, ask yourself why and reflect on your behaviors and how they may be affecting you and others. some of these behaviors may be seen as "chronically online", but i'm not going to call them that here because a lot of this stuff stems from anxiety/ocd behaviors and this post is not intended to belittle people who are clearly struggling. i used to be like this, but i grew up and also found people in places outside of twitter/tumblr that aren't like that and they kinda helped me get out of acting like this whether they realize it or not. i'm still working on myself, but i'm in a much, MUCH better place now then i was when i was engaging in nothingburger discourse for 18 hours a day. there is hope for everyone and everyone has the ability to change.

  1. this may seem obvious to some, but follow accounts and tags that you like! i know hate-following or at least constantly checking accounts of people you don't like is a thing, but occupying your mind with someone you feel negatively towards is not healthy and it won't make that person go away. if you tend to do this, block the accounts/tags you don't like and focus your attention on what makes you feel good!

  2. this seems hard, but avoid looking at the comments/replies section, especially if it's a popular or controversial post. seriously, you'll find the worst shit in an otherwise perfectly fine post. and this goes for pretty much every platform, including youtube. it's not worth looking at a bunch of fighting, negativity, harrassment, and people with poor reading comprehension missing the point.

  3. do. not. doomscroll. if you catch yourself just reading negative posts/comments or going through a blog that has a bunch of stuff you don't agree with, stop immediately and either switch to a tag/blog you like or log off and do something else.

  4. do not engage in or intentionally start arguments. healthy debate is alright, but tumblr is probably not the best place to do it due to it being the no nuance allowed site. it's pretty hard to change people's minds and it's next to impossible if one or both sides are angry and are in debate/fight mode. if you see someone post something you disagree with, you can always block them.

  5. avoid vagueposting/subtweeting/whatever you call it. either communicate your problems with them privately and directly, or block/unfollow them. not only does vagueposting not do anything to solve the issue, but your mutuals/friends/followers will be worried that it's directed at them. overall, it's just not a good way to get things done. if you need to vent or complain, talk to a friend who's down for that.

  6. recognize what interaction bait is and how to avoid it. these are usually posts that say something like "stop scrolling or you're _" "if you don't share this you are a horrible person" "reblog or _" "i'll notice who doesn't share this". if you have moral ocd this is probably your worst nightmare. you are not a bad person for not sharing one post about something, especially if that post is guilting other people into sharing it. you can use the filtered content tool to filter posts that say "reblog if" "reblog or", etc. some people have started tagging posts as reblog bait, so you can block tags like that too.

  7. you do not need to justify why you dislike someone/something. if you don't vibe with someone, that's okay and morally neutral, just don't try and find any dirt on them to make your action feel like the "right thing to do". this can lead to some slippery slopes.

  8. you're probably going to come across a post tearing down one or more things you enjoy and calling that "irredeemable media" or something and they'll also probably say "if you are a fan of this you are a horrible person kys". this is like a cousin to reblog bait, just block this person. if you find that there is something wrong with the thing you enjoy, look into it and apply nuance. there is a difference between a show having a character be a bad person on purpose and finding out a show creator was found at the capitol during january 6th. there is no such thing as perfection, especially with how subjective that is, and you are allowed to enjoy things while knowing and understanding that there are parts of it that might suck or not age well. if the creator of the thing you like is a shitbag, piracy and secondhand merch are your friends.

  9. if you see a post that talks about something positively and you feel the need to share your negative experience or how much you hate that thing, stop! ask yourself if op wants to see that. chances are, they don't. again, find a friend who is cool with you venting to them or get a diary.

  10. hot take but dni lists are 80% useless. like, if you don't want people that post about things that trigger you like ed's following you then yeah that might work sometimes, but ultimately it's up to you to block these people that you do not want interacting with your stuff. nobody is going to go to your blog to read your dni before liking your post that randomly showed up on your dash. if they're a bigot, they're absolutely not going to follow your dni, hell they'll probably troll you for it. the best way to handle this stuff is again, block without engaging. if you tell bigots or trolls to stop, that's putting an even bigger target on your back and they'll harrass you even more. just block without saying a word.

  11. take frequent breaks from social media. if you're on it all day every day, you're gonna feel like shit no matter what you see on there. consider setting aside an hour a day to do something that doesn't require a screen. you do not have to be reachable 24/7 and you can always catch up on things you might have missed. if you don't know what to do while taking a break, look up some stuff you can do (a wise woman once said if your toilet is dirty i don't ever want to hear that you're bored...). i took a walk in the middle of writing this post it was so nice.

  12. consider alternatives to social media platforms, like forums or making your own website. you can use these as replacements or supplements to social media. for me personally, it only took me about 2-3 days to learn enough html and css to get this site running and i've been making changes to it whenever i learn something new or if somethings bothering me (today i took out the blog boxes entirely instead of just sucking it up and learning how to use flexboxes lol).

  13. find a community of people that aren't exactly the same as you. no, i'm not saying "be friends with racists", i'm saying be friends with people who aren't enaging in the above behaviors and have a wide range of experiences. for me, this place was anne hero's discord server. seriously, that server changed my life. i've been in there since the day it opened and i met the most amazing people in there from all around the world. if it weren't for the conversations i've had and the people i've met in there, i would probably have a much harder time breaking out of the absolute misery chamber i was in. you might find some relief in there or in some other place! but it's important that you find it.

  14. people say "touch grass" for a reason. going outside to just walk or maybe hang out with friends and family does wonders for your health. you'll notice how people in real life are not like the people you see online and the arguments and discourse that plagues twitter is for the most part unheard of to most people.

  15. if your mental health is suffering from social media and/or you have poor mental health in general, consider avoiding social media altogether. i deleted twitter awhile ago because i noticed the overwhelming negative affects it had on me, even after trying to implement these guidelines, so i left and i feel a lot better now. don't be afraid to deactivate! if you have friends on there, you can give them other ways to reach you. if you want to see what others are doing, try setting up an rss feed (i recommend feedbro since it acts as an extension/add-on in your browser and it lets you copy and paste links rather than having to get files and all that shit). you'll feel weird and like you're missing out on stuff for a bit, but you get used to it eventually.

if you know someone who you think needs to see this, consider sending it to them! if it's like, a stranger or someone you barely know though, maybe just block them, people don't appreciate strangers approaching them and telling them they need to change. if you read this and noticed how you do/used to do things i've mentioned, don't beat yourself up about it! what's important is that you keep moving forward and try to break these habits. i believe in you :)

this list may change over time, please check back every once in awhile. i hope this helps, even if it's just a little bit.